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Haven Therapy Services

Your child might need speech therapy....

It's a scary and uneasy feeling when you realize your child isn't talking as much or you can't understand them like their peers. As a parent, your heart says 'Don't compare' but your gut can tell you otherwise.

Who do you even talk to? Your pediatrician? It can be stressful to find answers.

The best step to take if you are not sure is to talk to a Speech Language Pathologist. Not every SLP specializes with children so keep that in mind when searching for the right professional.

Have answers to the following questions prepared ahead of time to see if an evaluation might be the next step:

  1. How often do you understand your child? (% your best guess)

  2. Has your child met other milestones? (ex. babbling, cooing, eating, walking, sitting, crawling)

  3. What is their understanding (ex. do they answer yes no questions with head nods? follow 1-2 step directions, or gesture to what they want)

  4. What is your child's social skills like? (ex. do they go to daycare and spend time with others their age)

Taking the first step can be hard - but reaching out is the best way to see how you can support your child.

Contact us at to schedule an evaluation today.

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